Get Your AHT Down Fast: 5 Proven Tactics for Calm, Productive Customer Interactions

Have you ever felt like you're trapped in a never-ending phone call with a customer, desperately searching for a way to wrap things up without seeming rude? We've all been there, and it's especially challenging when you can't give the customer exactly what they want. But fear not! I've got some powerful techniques to help you take control of your calls and guide them to a satisfying conclusion.
Let's dive into five psychological principles that will help you master the art of call control. These strategies will not only help you manage your conversations more effectively but also improve your overall customer service experience.
1. Link the Communication Chain
Picture this: you're trying to have a conversation with someone, but they keep ignoring what you're saying. Frustrating, right? That's exactly what happens when we fail to acknowledge our customers' emotions or concerns. Psychologists call this "breaking the communication chain," and it's a surefire way to send your customer into an emotional tailspin.
To avoid this, we need to link the communication chain with a verbal response that validates the customer's feelings. Here are three simple yet effective phrases you can use:
- "I realize this is frustrating for you."
- "I can see your point."
- "We want to get to the bottom of this as much as you do."
Remember, the key is to be genuine and keep it brief. One sentence is all you need to keep your customer engaged and prevent them from spiraling into an emotional rant.
2. Double Dutch Your Way In
Remember playing double Dutch as a kid? That same principle can be applied to controlling your customer service calls. You don't want to wait forever for the perfect moment to jump in, nor do you want to abruptly interrupt. Instead, aim for that sweet spot in between.
Listen to your customer, get in sync with their flow, and then smoothly transition into taking control of the conversation. Try something like, "Miss Jones, I think I understand what's going on here. The first thing we need to do is..."
3. Use Signposts to Guide the Way
Think of signposts as those helpful road signs that let you know what's coming up ahead. In customer service, signposting means giving your customers a heads-up about what to expect next in the interaction. This simple technique can work wonders in keeping your calls on track.
Here are some examples of effective signposting:
- "In a moment, I'll need your credit card number."
- "The first thing we'll do is [step 1]. Next, I'll need to [step 2]."
- "When I return from this brief hold, I'll need [specific information] from you."
4. Recap Like a Pro
The end of a call can be tricky. Customers often get anxious and start peppering you with last-minute questions. To prevent this, use a comprehensive recap technique.
Identify the most common questions that come up at the end of your calls and proactively address them in your recap. For example:
"Miss Golden, here's what happens next: We'll send this to our review team, who will examine your file within 14 to 28 business days. They'll reach out to you via the email address we have on file, which is [email address]. Is there anything else you need clarification on?"
5. Walk Your Customer to the Door
Just as you'd walk a guest to the door when they're leaving your home, you should guide your customer to the end of the call. Use strategic phrases to signal that the conversation is wrapping up:
- "I have everything I need on my end. The only thing left is for me to wish you a fantastic afternoon."
- "I don't want to take up any more of your time, so I'm glad I was able to help you today. Enjoy your afternoon."
- "The final thing we need to do is give you your claim number. One last thing I need to tell you..."
These phrases politely but firmly indicate that the call is coming to an end, helping you maintain control right up to the last second.
By consistently applying these five techniques, you'll notice a significant improvement in your call control skills. You'll make customers feel heard and understood, prevent unnecessary venting, and guide conversations more efficiently. Not only will this lead to more satisfying interactions for both you and your customers, but it will also help you manage your call times more effectively.
Remember, mastering these skills takes practice. Be patient with yourself as you implement these strategies, and soon enough, you'll be handling even the toughest calls with confidence and ease.
Continue the Conversation with Me?
For more help controlling conversations with customers, check out these resources:
Three reasons situations escalate and how to stop the cycle from De-Escalating Conversations for Customer Service by Myra Golden
Get customer calls resolved faster from Customer Service: Call Control Strategies by Myra Golden
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