Myra Golden's De-escalation Academy
Gain the Confidence to Get Angry Customers to Back Down
The most comprehensive training for bringing down the temperature in interactions, redirecting conversations, and getting angry customers to back down
De-escalation Academy, featuring the 3R De-escalationĀ Method, is the only training for customer service that not only shows your employees how to redirect verbal aggression and regain control of interactions - but how to get customers to accept their word as final.Ā
Give Your Employees the Confidence and Frameworks to De-escalate
In my De-escalation Training, your employees go from feeling overwhelmed and powerless when they have to give customers bad news, to feeling confident, firm, and in-control as they bring down the temperature in interactions and guide customers to next steps.
Start Training Your Team!Let’s talk about who De-escalation Academy is for…
Your employees feel uncomfortable talking to pushy customers, denying requests, giving bad news, or they’re struggling with conversation control.
And your employees...
Lack the confidence to make their word final and end up giving in (or escalate calls to you) when customers push.
Get flustered or nervous when customers become aggressive, and they either throw money at the problem or escalate the call.
Occasionally deal with aggressive customers who yell, cuss, cut them off, or immediately ask for a supervisor.
Struggle with call control.
Have a hard time saying 'no,' giving bad news, or telling customers what they don't want to hear.
Work from home and don't have quick access to supervisors and peers for support when they talk to challenging customers.
Haven't had formal de-escalation training.
You’re in the right place. I’m going to tell you exactly how De-escalation Academy will prepare your employees to use empathy, psychology, and tactical maneuvers to get angry customers to back down.
What's Inside Myra Golden's De-escalation Academy?
Four modules of hands-on training

Video Lessons
Your employees will feel like they're in the room with me!

Virtual Office Hours
One or two times a month, I hold Office Hours. Your employees can ask me questions about situations they struggle with or about the video lessons.

We enhance the learning with dynamic worksheets, cheat sheets, and checklists. My worksheets are PDF-fillable, which means your employees can type on the sheets.

By the end of this training, your employees will have worked out:
- Exactly what they fear about issuing a denial, telling a customer what they don’t want to hear, or enforcing a contentious policy.
- Getting results with their words using psychological priming to significantly increase the rate of customers accepting their word as final.
- The role empathy plays in making customers feel understood and moving customers out of the emotional right-brain. (Conveying empathy early significantly reduces average handle time.)
- How to tactically use labeling to bring down the temperature in emotionally charged interactions.
- Positive positioning to reframe the customer’s perspective on the issue.
- Why customers pushback or ask for a supervisor.
- Two tools to remove themselves as a threat in the customer’s mind (if the customer sees you as a threat, no meaningful dialogue will take place).
- How to tactically use their voice tone and downward inflection to assert their authority and redirect interactions.
- Why they must link the communication chain to defuse anger and move the customer out of venting.
- Call control techniques that immediately get their average handle time down.

Alan Bulmer
I have been utilising many of your worksheets and videos to help me with dealing with difficult customers and to help de-escalate calls (and customer interaction in general). I've found these very helpful as it is something I do struggle with so thank you.

My De-escalation Training Is Being Featured by Microsoft and LinkedIn!
During the Pandemic, Microsoft featured four of my courses to help job-seekers discover new career paths, learn relevant skills, find jobs that are in-demand, and stand out to recruiters. More than 1.6 million people showed up and took my classes!
Results-driven Training!
In my De-escalation Training, your employees go from feeling overwhelmed and powerless when they have to give customers bad news, to feeling confident, firm, and in-control as they bring down the temperature in interactions and guide customers to next steps.
Office Hours
One or two times a month I hold office hours. My office hours are the perfect opportunity for your employees to ask me questions about their toughest situations. Sit in on the first Office Hours session I held on YouTube here.
You Have Questions. I have Answers.
How long do we have access to the training?
What is the total time commitment for De-escalation Academy?
Will my employees have a chance to ask you questions?
How will you customize scenarios and make the training relevant to my employees?
Give Your Employees the Confidence and Frameworks to De-escalate
In my De-escalation Training, your employees go from feeling overwhelmed and powerless when they have to give customers bad news, to feeling confident, firm, and in-control as they bring down the temperature in interactions and guide customers to next steps.
Start Training Your Team!