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De-escalation Academy (up to 500 Learners)

Give Your Team the Confidence to Get Angry Customers to Back Down

By the end of this training, your employees will have worked out:

  • Exactly what they fear about issuing a denial, telling a customer what they don’t want to hear, or enforcing a contentious policy.
  • Getting results with their words using psychological priming to significantly increase the rate of customers accepting their word as final.
  • The role empathy plays in making customers feel understood and moving customers out of the emotional right-brain. (Conveying empathy early significantly reduces average handle time.)
  • How to tactically use labeling to bring down the temperature in emotionally charged interactions.
  • Positive positioning to reframe the customer’s perspective on the issue.
  • Why customers push back or ask for a supervisor.
  • Two tools to remove themselves as a threat in the customer’s mind (if the customer sees you as a threat, no meaningful dialogue will take place).
  • How to tactically use their voice tone and downward inflection to assert their authority and redirect interactions.
  • Why they must link the communication chain to defuse anger and move the customer out of venting.
  • Call control techniques that immediately get their average handle time down.